I learned that Jesus Christ had died for my sins and was raised again so that I might experience God’s forgiveness and new life in Him. At that moment, I turned my life over to Christ. I prayed, “Lord Jesus, if You can change me, come into me and do it. I sure need to be changed."
Is this, then, what Jesus had in mind when He talked of an “abundant life”? No! But if people have never experienced anything different, they will accept their predicament as normal. They will assume “that’s just the way it is."
I knew the Bible frontward and backward, but that knowledge alone didn’t change my condition. In my experience, Jesus got lost in the Bible.
Lord, I don’t care what the organization that I used to be with taught me. I don’t care what the church I’m in or the denomination to which I belong has taught me. I want You to teach me afresh, all over again. I want to know the truth that You promised would set me free. I’m tired of listening to people. I’m ready to listen to You.
More than anything else, I wanted to know more fully the Person of Jesus Christ whom the Bible reveals. I thank God with all my heart that He led me to find what I was looking for—a return to Classic Christianity.
Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ did not come just to get men out of hell and into heaven; He came to get Himself out of heaven and into men!
The issue in salvation is life and death. Jesus Christ, spiritually alive, laid down His life for us. Why? So that He could give His life to us!
Until you rest in the finality of the cross, you will never experience the reality of the resurrection.
There is only one way to determine your identity that cannot be shaken, one foundation that cannot be taken away from you: “I am a child of God.”
We don’t need a good self-image. We need a proper self-image—one that comes from God’s Word.
The most powerful, life-changing power in existence is the message of God’s unconditional love and acceptance in Jesus Christ.
God will never love or accept you one ounce less or one ounce more than He does right this minute. That’s a truth to build a life on!
The goal of the Christian life is not to stop sinning! It is to start trusting.
To be filled with the Spirit is to be totally filled with the knowledge of God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ laid down His life for us, so that He could give His life to us, so that He could live His life through us! That’s the entire gospel in a nutshell.
We must first receive God’s unconditional love and acceptance for us before we will ever learn to love Him in return.
You may not know what will happen to you tomorrow, but you can know that the same Christ who loves you perfectly today is already there.
Listen, open the door of your heart, and discover that Classic Christianity is a Person—the living Lord Jesus Christ.
Classic Comments I felt born again....again!

I felt born again....again!

It was about 15 years ago that I heard some guy on Christian radio taking calls from listeners. Everyone wanted to talk about some book called Classic Christianity. They all sounded so excited about it! Not knowing anything about Bob George, I thought he was broadcasting out of the back of a pick-up. He just sounded so “down home”. A couple of days later, I walked by two people having a big discussion about a guy named Bob George who wrote a book, Classic Christianity. I thought that was a weird coincidence.

Two weeks later, a friend handed me a copy of Classic Christianity and said I should read it to see how “off” this guy is. My friend had marked it up with a red pen and made notes on all the parts that he thought were wrong (most of the book). As I read it, I started to see that my friend’s notes made no sense in light of the truths Bob was pointing out, using Scriptures to explain God’s grace. I read it in one day, and then read it again the next, making my own notes.

I felt born again, again. I shared with my wife all that I was learning, and to my surprise, she was experiencing a revelation of God’s grace all on her own. Everything I shared from Bob’s book was only confirming what God was showing her. Interestingly, it was listening to legalistic Bible teachers on the radio that led her to the truth of grace. Just hearing error after error had led JoAnn to believe something was wrong with these teachers, in light of Romans and Galatians.

Our love of Christ grew leaps and bounds as we came to understand all that He has done for us.

Morgan and JoAnn, E-Mail


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