I'm the main promoter here in Germany!

There would be a long story to tell, but just wanted to let you know that your book Classic Christianity has been an eye opener!. I have been recommending the book or passing on the copy of the German one. As a minister and missionary since 1988 I now often speak on the subject of our identity in Christ in sermons and seminars and have seen how lives are starting to change through this message of grace. Guess I am the main promoter of the book here in Germany!  I have a deep conviction that it is the best and most important book besides Gods Word I have ever read. When I visited the US recently I had the chance to share with christians about the book and the message. Thank you for being a blessing. It would have been a great privilege to get to know you personally, but unfortunately not all things are possible. Knowing that we'll have time to chat one day in the presence of the Lord, I am looking forward to say thanks personally for your ministry and the changes your message has provoked in my life and in those of people I minister to with the same message.

Karsten, Germany