He could have been writing about me...

A chat buddy recommended I get hold of Bob George’s Classic Christianity. At first, I was insulted, thinking he was simply out to peddle some books. However, a desperate need to have this Christian life make sense was too compelling. The next day, I drove to the nearest bookstore to purchase the book. The first few pages got me hooked. Bob George was attending every church function there was, had a good family, good life, and yet, was miserable. He could have been writing about me. I couldn’t put the book down. I couldn’t wait to find out how Bob handled our problem!

When I came to the end of the book, I knew I had a decision to make. Either I accept the gospel in its entirety, give up the “gutting it out for God,” or I turn my back on the whole thing. In a split second, I surrendered completely, to the One who loves me unconditionally.

Lisa, Florida